Terms and Conditions

Our services are charged by the hour. We will be happy to provide you with information on our rates.

Appointments may be cancelled at no cost up to 24 hours (weekdays) in advance. Cancellation or rescheduling with less than 24 hours notice will incur a cancellation fee equivalent to 50% of the full consultation fee. Non-attendance without notice provided will incur a cancellation fee equivalent to the full consultation fee.

Psychotherapy conducted by independent psychologists is not covered by basic health insurance. Self-paying clients are to bear the costs of psychotherapy themselves.

In some cases and depending on the type of coverage you have (e.g. supplementary insurance, HMO, family doctor model) your insurance will cover part of the costs. Your health insurance company will provide you with the necessary information. We are recognised by all health insurance companies.

For psychological psychotherapists who have been affiliated to the prescription model since 1 July 2022, therapy is covered by basic insurance.

In the event of mental health issues resulting from accidents, your accident insurance will cover part of the costs of psychotherapy upon request.

If you are experiencing psychological problems as a result of physical or mental violence, you can contact your regional victim support office www.opferhilfe-beiderbasel.ch for a contribution to the costs of counselling.

Praxis Haus zum Sausewind | St. Alban-Vorstadt 7 | 4052 Basel
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