Training and Supervision

Supervision serves to reflect, improve and ensure the quality of one's professional practice. We provide supervision for mental health professionals and self-experience for psychotherapists and counsellors in training.


Individual and group supervision are helpful to psychosocial and medical healthcare professionals as well as counsellors in training. They provide the opportunity to reflect and discuss issues from everyday work life, enhance one’s practice and ensure the efficacy of one’s work.

Topics can include reviewing the applied methodology, improving the therapeutic relationship or reducing occupational stress. The aim is to enhance and expand professional skills, clarify professional roles and promote personal resources. 

Several of our team members are professional supervisors and self-experience trainers who teach psychotherapists and counsellors from various graduate programmes.

We offer individual and group supervision on the following topics:

  • Case supervision for individuals and teams (including clinics, outreach centres, shelters, councils etc.)
  • Team supervision for healthcare teams
  • Individual and group supervision for students of graduate training programmes


The goal of personal psychotherapy during training is for the trainee to experience the applied methods not only in theory but also through the eyes of the client. Therapists and counsellors in training can improve their self-awareness and emotional resilience as well as get a better understanding of the psychotherapeutic techniques. They will get to know their personal value systems and how these influence their practice work as well as fostered in empathic understanding and separating their own problems from those of their clients.  

We offer both individual and group self-experience as well as theme-centered personal psychotherapy.

Praxis Haus zum Sausewind | St. Alban-Vorstadt 7 | 4052 Basel
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